Thursday, June 7, 2007

Here I am

Well this is the first post in this blog and I am not sure what to say. I suppose I have to introduce myself first. Not many things to tell. A very ordinary woman tried to live a normal life in her early 30's in a country which is unfortunately not known for its beautiful landscapes, for its delicious food, for its lovely family members and friends, for its rich literature and such a long history and heritage, but sadly is known for its nuclear enrichment activities. I am from Iran. A land used to be called Persia.
It is a long story why I chose not to live in my homeland and decided to abandon my beloved family and I am sure you are not here to read all my story in a single post, but anyway I am here in beautiful lovely Sydney, Australia with my husband and my gorgeous little son.
I will write about my life, my thoughts and whatever drives me to write.


Anonymous said...

I hope you write very good life happenings in your new english weblog.
It is a good way to achieve your english practic goal.

Amin said...

I am eager to read your posts in this new blog, I wish you can introduce this misunderstooded country correctly,

Anonymous said...

So I will be one of your customer.

Anonymous said...

Don't drive without the license! You could be fined. :P
keep writing in English...