Sunday, June 10, 2007

New friends

Next time, if you are going to use "my" words to convince me, remember I hate being played. I will even reject myself to make you think about what I said. Well, I do not become angry or annoyed, I just do it as I do not like to be tricked. And remember I do not like surprises. Being honest and frank is what I like most in friendship. What do you like about yourself or your friends?


Anonymous said...

Dear Homa, I'm really tring to underestand your last post !!!

هما said...

ِDon't worry, it is a private conversation which is published!

Anonymous said...

dear Homa
Congratulations on your new weblog.I'm looking forward to read your beautiful posts in both weblogs.
With love and best wishes for you and your lovely family:)
خواهر کوچیکه

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!
You encouraged me to practice more in order to make my english knowledge better.

par said...

Dear Homa
I agree with you
'honesty is the best policy"
and i think i am going to read your english blog more that the persian one ;)
but please bear with my english